
Little, sweet menu in CSS3 with using 'nth-child'~

In CSS3, I found 'nth-child' as very useful property. See by yourself (but remember don't use IE browser, because CSS3 doesn't work as it should works on Internet Explorer!):

The code doesn't look too much complicated, because the main trick, that I used, is contained in 'nth-child':

6 komentarzy:

  1. You could experiment a little bit and try to achieve something like this:
    Hovering top left element rotate box like now.
    Hovering top right element rotate box right
    Hovering bottom-left element rotate box like top right element
    Hovering bottom-right element rotate box like top left element.

    like that:

    / \
    \ /

    I think you'll know what I'm talking about.

  2. I thought about it, but after this changes, this code wouldn't be looking so cute :P Or I just didn't know how to give hiding other rotate properties in nth-child bracket :) Anyway, I wanted to use minimal number of classes ;)

  3. You could do this whit minimum effort by using jquery :)
    Or even better: class inheritance (it's not the same like in PHP or Python).
    I will try to show you what's this about.
    Imagine you have a website which needs to have a messages.

    Standard message would be styled like that:
    - have a 10px size
    - have a solid 1px black border
    - and let's say rounded boxes and shadow

    Then you realized that you need to have a warning message.
    Basically it's like standard message, but should be red.

    And then you need success message. It need to be like standard message but green.

    What now?

    .message { font-size: 10px; border: solid 1px black; border-radius: 15px; box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px 3px #000;}

    .warning { color: red; }

    .success { color: green;}

    And in html it need to be like that:


    1. For sure, you're right, and it doesn't even look scary, but I'm still green about jQuery and I need to learn JS first, I think. But thank you for such a long-winded speech and advices ;)

  4. That "class inheritance approach" have nothing to do with jQuery.

  5. ??? so what are we talking about now? I told you that I didn't want to use more classes in my .css file to not to do the code more messy, so I thought that you're talking about JS capabilities..-,-


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