
Reflection about Object-Oriented Programming..~

I started to teach PHP language from Wikibooks. Not so ambitious, but I had to start from something. This book realized me one thing – I don’t understand object-oriented programming~
~ I think that this is many young programmists’s problem. A lot of people from my University (IT Technology students) can create very simple or little more difficult programs, but they don’t know anything about obiect-orinted programming at all. So this days, I’m leaving PHP study for a while, to teach myself what obiect-oriented programming really is, because I think that under this concept is hired the real essence of programming not only in PHP but in all else programming languages..~


The magic of SEO~

First time since very, very long (to be exact, since I’ve past through my 21st birthday), I can fell, my life moved on. I have been standing in a digging hole of powerless, recklessness and stupidity. But I have never lost hope and faith that my effort won’t be waisted..
..And after that. Something like one week ago, I discovered a magic of SEO…
.. Search Engine Optimization, in short SEO. Let’s be serious: It’s one of the easiest IT issue, on the other hand it’s still little known in IT environment. So, getting back to me (at last it’s my site), I have started to read about it. After one week of making mind-maps, and trying to optimize my own code, I thought: Why not to try? And I started sending my CV. In not even two days I got an answer. That was unbelievable, especially when I was aware of no experience. But everybody should always remember that in IT field, diploma or certificate doesn’t matter, only what counts is your abilities. So I went to a job interview, solved every recruitment’s tasks and I got this job. I couldn’t believe in my abilities, but on job interview I found that I understood everything what my employer said to me and even if I have never worked in job like this before I can manage this..
..So my motivation quote for today is: ‘Never stop teaching yourself knew things and do it hardly’! That’s what I’m said dummies-,~ ~


Weimarskie igraszki Transcendentalne'~

Tytuł tego wpisu jest wynikiem zaliczenia koszmarnego egzaminu z Klasycznej Filozofii Niemieckiej. To w sumie tyle o tytule, dawno było, minęło. Dziś, 7 tygodni po rozpoczęciu nowego roku akademickiego, wspomnienie euforii jaką wywołała u mnie ocena 3 w indeksie, dawno wyleciało z mojej głowy. Uświadomiłam sobie bowiem, że stoję w miejscu. Życie, studia, czas wszystko posuwa się nieubłaganie do przodu, a ja stoję w miejscu.
21 lat. Jest to wiek, w którym dojrzała osoba powinna się w pełni usamodzielnić, a nie studiować dziennie: jeden kierunek, po którym nie ma pracy, a drugi taki z którego nic nie wynosi. 21 lat to wiek, w którym powinno się zdobyć pracę, choć w niewielkim stopniu adekwatną do wykształcenia i z nim związaną. A ja zamiast tego stoję. Nieustannie stoję w miejscu. Taką mam rozkminę.